The MTHelmets-MSi lands in India with its riders, Diogo Moreira and Syarifuddin Azman, to compete in one of the new Grands Prix on the MotoGP World Championship calendar.

Moreira is very focused on this thirteenth round, as he likes to discover different routes and has the ability to adapt quickly to all the new circuits where he gets on his KTM. The Brazilian driver faces the rest of the season with great enthusiasm, and is prepared to fight to be at the top of the box.

Syarifuddin Azman is ready for another new challenge in 2023, this time with the Buddh International Circuit. The Malaysian, who wants to continue evolving in his debut in the Moto3 World Championship, this time he will be on equal terms with the rest of the riders. Damok wants to continue working hard and take an important step this season.

The Indian Grand Prix starts this Friday, September 22 with P1 of Moto3 (Practice1) from 5:30-6:20 hrs (GMT + 2) and P2 from 9:45 to 10:35 hrs. The entire structure of the MTHelmets-MSi faces a new challenge to familiarize itself and where the weather forecast is 33 degrees maximum and 25 minimum, with 58% humidity.

Óscar Manzano – SPORT MANAGER 

“We arrive at a new GP for everyone, where our drivers and team members have to adapt as soon as possible. Diogo has the ability to be fast from the first training sessions and that gives him extra confidence for the entire weekend. For his part, Azman is very motivated and with the peace of mind that the rest of the drivers on the grid must also learn this circuit, so he will be able to do a good job.”

Diogo Moreira

“I am very happy with the return of the tour, I think we can do very well here. I am looking forward to starting on this new circuit in India. I hope to enjoy the rest of the year, to give 100% in each training and racing. Above all, I hope to be at the front to fight to try to win in each race.”

Sharifuddin Azman

“I am very motivated to start the weekend again, this time at the Indian GP; new circuit for all drivers. I’m looking forward to getting to know the route, the country and enjoying the race this weekend. “I am going to continue working hard with the team to give my best.”

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